healthy food
KN Dentistry

Healthy Foods for Happy Smiles

When we think about nutrition, we usually think about optimizing our general health, but nutrition is important for healthy, strong smiles too.

Your teeth will do best when you eat bone building foods and  fruits and vegetables that provide nutrients, keep bacteria in check and clean your teeth naturally. Here is what to look for.

Foods that help build bones – Teeth are made of the same materials as bones. Calcium, magnesium, protein and vitamin D all support bone strength and tooth enamel. Common sources of these nutrients include:

·        Fish – salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines - eating fish also provides omega 3’s, which are known to be good for your immune system and fight infections.

·        Dairy – milk, cheese, yogurt - all high in protein, calcium and magnesium.

·        Lean meats – are high in protein and support bone growth.

·        Nuts – are both a great protein source and their hard surfaces help keep teeth clean.

Foods that contain other beneficial nutrients:

·        Garlic and onions – these flavorful additions to many recipes are also known to reduce bacteria in your mouth. They can help with infections, periodontal disease and improve your microbiome, all while making your food taste great.

·        Green tea - in addition to a caffeine boost, green tea is filled with antioxidants and fluoride that keep your body and smile healthy.

Foods that help keep your teeth clean:

·        Crispy fruits and vegetables – foods with a lot of crunch can brush the surfaces of your teeth as you eat and provide nutrients that bring good health. Try ones like apples, carrots, celery and broccoli for a boost to both your oral and overall health.

·        Water – this neutral, healthy drink rinses your teeth clean, prevents dry mouth that can cause cavities and may even contain fluoride.

·        Sugarless gum – chewing gum is a natural way to clean teeth and prevent biofilm build up. Choose sugarless gum to prevent cavities, limit calories and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

It’s always nice to find things that can keep you healthy in multiple ways and we hope you start to enjoy these more often.

Your body and your smile will be grateful.


KN Dentistry – Orange, CA – (714) 633-2562

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