dental implants
KN Dentistry

Dental Implants - Advanced Technology for Tooth Replacement

While saving your natural teeth is always our priority, sometimes it’s just not possible. Leaving an empty space in your mouth where the tooth was lost can put your other teeth and gums at risk. We are grateful that we have a variety of ways to replace lost teeth and keep your mouth healthy, including implants, bridges, dentures, implant supported dentures and partial dentures.

One of our favorites is dental implants. Implants are the latest technology for tooth replacement and provide great results. Dental implants are manmade titanium roots that can be placed in your jaw. Once the root has integrated with your bone, we can build a tooth out of dental crown material over it that looks and functions like a normal tooth.

For people who lose all or several of their teeth, we can use the implanted roots as a secure base for dentures or partial dentures. With these, your dentures will snap in and stay in place so that you can talk, eat, laugh and sing with confidence.

We like dental implants because they:

·        Have a high success rate and last a long time

·        Will look, feel and function like a natural tooth

·        Are easier to clean than the alternatives

·        Help stabilize your bite and support your other teeth

·        Can be used as a foundation for keeping dentures in place

We have years of experience with a variety of methods for replacing lost teeth (including dental implants) and use quality materials that we know will serve you well.

If you would like to replace a missing tooth or are looking for a dental office you will  love going to, give us a call.

We promise to take great care of you!


KN Dentistry - Orange, CA - (714) 633-2562

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