back to school
KN Dentistry

Back to School Tips for Dental Health

It’s that time of year when kids are headed back to school and our lives become busier and more chaotic. Between the daily rush and afterschool activities, we don’t have much time to focus on everything else.

We get it. Life gets crazy at times, but there are some things we know you don’t want to let slip through the cracks, like your children’s dental health. So, here are a few tips to help you keep your children’s smiles healthy and happy as they head back to school.

Pre-schedule Dental Health Check Ups - Things that are not scheduled tend to get forgotten or pushed back and before you know it, more time has gone by than you intended. Scheduling appointments ahead and getting them on your calendar helps ensure your children are receiving care when it is recommended, which will prevent dental issues that require even more appointments.

Set a Routine for Brushing and Flossing – Regular routines will help your children get in the habit of taking care of their teeth. When they know they need to brush at a certain time and do it everyday, they will be less likely to forget. Not only will their teeth be healthier, but your busy mornings may go more smoothly, as well.

Provide Healthy Snacks and Lunches – We recommend low sugar, non-sticky foods that are not overly processed. Crispy fruits and vegetables will also help keep their teeth clean if they don’t have time to brush after lunch at school.

Ask About Dental Sealants – Sealants are bonding material painted into the crevices of your child’s molars where cavities happen most often. They act as a barrier that prevents cavity causing bacteria from getting to the tooth enamel and causing damage. This treatment is easy and requires no anesthetic.  

Make Brushing and Flossing Fun – Here are a few ideas:

·        Get them a colorful, fun toothbrush they will love

·        Brush together. They will enjoy time with you and likely do a better job.

·        Track their success and let them earn rewards

Taking care of your children’s teeth now will set a solid foundation for a lifetime of good oral health with fewer emergencies and less treatment needed. It may be one of the best gifts you can give them.

If your children are due for a dental visit, you have any questions, or you would like to learn more about dental sealants, please let us know.

We would love to help.


KN Dentistry – Orange, CA – (714) 633-2562  

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