KN Dentistry

5 Ways Our Office Helps Protect the Environment

We are all aware that our personal actions and how we do business can have an impact on the environment. Maybe not every little thing, but when we take steps to be environmentally friendly over and over again, the impact is there.

Supporting a healthy environment is important to Dr. Nguyen and her team. We always consider the environmental impact of the decisions we make for our office. We want to do our part to care for our planet and the people who live on it.

Here are 5 ways that we are working toward this goal:

Embracing Digital Solutions: We use digital resources as much as we can. Our office management software, appointment scheduling, patient forms and information, as well as much of our treatment is supported by digital technology that is useful, effective and safe for the environment.

Switching to Digital X-rays: This x-ray technology is not only safer for our patients, but also minimizes radiation and eliminates the need for materials and chemicals needed to process the traditional x-rays that were formerly used. We also love that digital x-rays allow us to see your teeth in more detail, can be printed or transported digitally and are easier to share with our patients.

Choosing Safe, Effective Materials and Products: There are now more options available to us that are safer for our office and the environment. This includes everything from disinfection and cleaning products to filling materials. We always consider safety and environmental impact when purchasing supplies.

Using Cerec Same Day Crown Technology: In the past, providing crowns for patients involved taking impressions, drivers transporting those impressions to a lab and then  driving back with the completed crowns. We would make a temporary crown for the patient, which they wore for a couple weeks until the permanent crown was ready.

With Cerec scanning and cad/cam technology many of these steps and the related resources are eliminated. No more impressions. No more transporting to the lab. And, no more temporary crowns. All of these eliminated steps are better for our patients and the environment.

Focusing on Prevention Oriented Care: Every dental treatment we can prevent eliminates the resources it would have taken for that treatment. It also saves you time, money and driving to and from the dental office. You may not have realized it, but taking good care of your teeth is taking care of the environment too.

When you choose us for your dental care, you can trust that we are making thoughtful choices for how we care for you and the environmental impact of the work we do.

If you are looking for a dental office that demonstrate scaring in all ways, please give us a call.


KN Dentistry – Orange, CA – (714) 633-2562

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