oral cancer symptoms
KN Dentistry

Oral Cancer Symptoms to Watch For

Every time you have an oral exam or teeth cleaning in our office, we screen for oral cancer. We know that catching this disease in its early stages is critical for survival. Approximately 40,000 Americans develop oral cancer each year and only half of them are still alive 5 years later. Many of those who live suffer disfiguration from surgeries that impacts how they look and their ability to eat and speak.

Our goal is to be your partner in making sure this doesn’t happen to you. In addition to regular dental care and exams, it is important for you to be aware and alert to any potential symptoms.

Don’t assume you are safe because you do not smoke. Young adults and people who have never used tobacco are at risk as well.

Things to look out for include:

·        A persistent sore in the mouth that doesn’t go away

·        A lump or unusually thick tissue in the mouth or neck area

·        A chronic sore throat or unexplained change in your voice

·        Pain or unusual bleeding

·        Numbness

·        Difficulty chewing, swallowing, or speaking

·        White or red patches on the gums, tongue, tonsils, or anywhere in the mouth


If you have any concerns, call to schedule an appointment. Immediate action can help save your life and if you are found to be cancer free, bring you peace of mind.

KN Dentistry - Orange, CA - (714) 633-2562

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